Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is a New York Plaintiff's personal injury law firm specializing in automobile accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, products liability, police misconduct and all types of New York personal injury litigation.

Articles Tagged with new york medical malpractice lawyer

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Medical Malpractice Attorney Christopher_DonadioOur NY medical malpractice attorney Christopher J. Donadio has been invited to lecture at the ACI Advanced Forum on Obstetrical Malpractice Claims, which will be held on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 8:15 am at the The Union League of Philadelphia at 140 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Donadio has been asked to provide a plaintiff’s attorneys perspective to the current trends in medical malpractice cases involving shoulder dystocia.

The Annual Advanced Forum on Obstetric Malpractice Claims is an annual event that brings together a faculty of medical experts, risk managers, insurance professionals, and plaintiff and defense attorneys who will provide the attendees with the most up-to-date information on complex medical issues as well as litigation hurdles and strategies.

Failure to recognize signs of shoulder dystoria and to handle the situation proprely can be devastating for the baby

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur managing partner, NYC Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz is honored to be invited to the American Urologic Association’s Annual Meeting 2019 held in Chicago, May 3-6 2019. There he will have the opportunity to speak with Practicing Physicians and Hospital Department Chairs about Medical Malpractice in general and about the pitfalls of Electronic Medical Records, In addition, his lecture will focus on doctors’ failure to properly inform their patients of the risks, benefits and alternatives of the proposed treatment, communication errors and recurrent departures from accepted standards of medical care. The goal of the talk is to allow for better patient care.

Click here for more info or to register

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur managing partner, NYC Personal Injury Attorney Ben Rubinowitz will be speaking at the Long Island Medical Malpractice Litigation 2019 Seminar organized by the New York State Bar Association. The seminar will take place on Wednesday February 27th at the Melville Marriott located at 1350 Walt Whitman Road in Melville. Ben will be speaking on openings and summations.

The seminar will start with a presentation of the Developments in the Substantive Law that will cover the recent legal issues and legislative development, e-Discovery, Ex parte interviews with treating physicians, recent developments in Lien Law and the fund for neurologically impaired infants.  It will be followed by a presentation on discovery including social media and internet information, surveillance, Arons authorizations and more. After a coffee break, participants will learn tips and techniques to question the defendant during depositions and trial. In the afternoon the program will first focus on the preparation of the defendant for deposition. It will be followed by a presentation on how to cross examine an expert. Participants will then learn how to prepare perfect openings and summations. The program will end with a view from the Bench.

A must for both new and experienced attorneys, this seminar will be filled with useful information and valuable tips. The program will provide an overview of the key issues in medical malpractice litigation through a combination of lectures and practical demonstrations. Learn how to determine the relevant standard of care, how to prepare your case, how to avoid common pitfalls and how to examine expert witnesses. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn trial strategies and techniques in medical malpractice actions from top-notch litigators and distinguished State and Federal Judges.

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur managing partner, NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Ben Rubinowitz will be lecturing at the 43rd Winter Urologic Forum at the Winter Meeting of Urologists in Steamboat Springs, CO. Organized by WJ Weiser and Associates, Inc, the Forum will take place at Steamboat Grand from January 19th to January 22nd.

This meeting will summarize for practicing urologists and other interested professionals, new concepts in diagnosis and treatment for conditions including local and advanced prostate, renal and bladder cancer, lower urinary tract symptoms, incontinence, urinary tract infection, reconstructive urology, andrology, stone disease and medical malpractice. At the completion of the meeting, urologists will have been exposed to methods to optimize patient care and maintain patient centricity of care delivery.

Ben will moderate the session “Cases of Urologic Complications and Implications”. This session will focus on Medical Malpractice with trial demonstrations including witness examination, opening statements and summation of cases related to prostate cancer, urothelial cancer, female urology, stones, renal cancer and male AUS.

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Jeffrey-Bloom2Our partner, NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Jeffrey Bloom will be Co-Chairing “Lets Talk… All Things Med. Mal.”. Organized by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, this seminar will take place at NYSTLA office in Manhattan on January 23rd from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

Presented as a round table type discussion, the seminar will address all the aspects of a Medical Malpractice Trial – jury selection, opening statements, direct and cross examination as well as summation  – from the different perspectives of the plaintiff, the defendant and the Court.

Participants will learn:

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NYC Best Personal Injury Law Firm Congratulations to all our attorneys and staff for making our firm one of the Best Personal Injury Law Firms in New York. For the ninth consecutive year, Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf has been recognized by U.S. News Media Group, the publishers of U.S. News & World Report, and Best

Lawyers® as a top tier firm in the New York City Metropolitan Area for

  • Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs
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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey BloomNYC personal Injury lawyer Richard SteigmanOur partner, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom, will be the Program Chair of the “Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer” seminar organized by the New York State Bar Association.  Richard Steigman who is also a partner at our firm will be a speaker and will provide an Overview of the Governing Laws related to such cases.

During this seminar participants will learn how to handle the failure to diagnose breast cancer medical malpractice case. Featuring nationally recognized medical experts in oncology and cancer detection, the morning session will cover the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancer and provide attendees with an understanding of the medical background necessary to handle these cases. During the afternoon portion of the program leading medical malpractice trial attorneys will present an overview of case selection, trial strategies and the art of explaining technical medical concepts to jurors.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about this area of law.

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey BloomNew York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur partner,  New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom will be chairing the “Anatomy & Medicine for Lawyers” program offered by the New York State Bar Association Thursday March 29th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the CFA Society, 1540 Broadway #1010 in New York City. The program will also be webcasted live.

During the program Jeffrey will talk about preparing a medical malpractice case. He will discuss cases from both the plaintiff and defense perspectives. Our managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz will also attend the program as a speaker. He will lecture, about orthopedic and spinal injuries. He will be joined by Dr James Naidich, a radiologist in discussing these types of injuries.

This unique program will familiarize medical malpractice attorneys and personal injury attorneys (both plaintiff and defense) as well as workers’ compensation attorneys with the medical concepts and terminology necessary to

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur partner, Ben Rubinowitz, a nationally regarded plaintiff’s lawyer, recently lectured at the Winter Urologic Forum sponsored by Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, and University of California Davis.

One of the main topics in his talk focused on the issue of Concurrent Surgeries, or what is commonly referred to as Simultaneous Surgeries.  Although many teaching hospitals throughout the country participate in this practice, Rubinowitz made clear that it is not in the best interests of the patient to have the doctor leave the operating room while treating one patient to attend to another.

Although the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently suggested that Concurrent Surgeries were safe for patients, Rubinowitz challenged that study.

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New york City Personal Injury Lawyer LawyerOur managing partner Ben Rubinowitz has been asked by Columbia, Vanderbilt and University of California Davis Medical Schools to speak about medical malpractice at the 42nd Annual Winter Urologic Forum. The  Forum will take place in Vail Colorado at the Vail  Marriott Mountain Resort from January 13 to January 16 2018.  A Top New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Ben Rubinowitz and all of the lawyers at our firm have successfully resolved thousands of medical malpractice cases for those who have been injured as a result of medical negligence. Ben commented that ” it is truly an honor to have the privilege of speaking to such a distinguished group of doctors. I always find it interesting that the physicians have asked a plaintiff’s lawyer rather than a defendant’s lawyer to deliver the National Lecture on Medical Malpractice.”

This meeting will summarize for practicing urologists and other interested professionals, new concepts in diagnosis and treatment for conditions including local and advanced prostate and bladder cancer, lower urinary tract symptoms, incontinence, urinary tract infection, reconstructive urology, andrology and medical malpractice. At the completion of the meeting, urologists will have been exposed to methods to optimize patient care well maintain patient centricity of care delivery.

The session on Medical Malpractice will take place  on Monday January 15 at 4:00 pm. Ben Rubinowitz will  explain how doctors can protect themselves from being sued and  what  they should do if they are sued.  The moderator for this session will be Roger R. Dmochowski, MD, MMHC, FACS.