How to protect children from personal injuries and death related to abuse and neglect in rural areas?
Rural America may seem idyllic but children living in these areas have a higher risk of being maltreated and are more vulnerable to death from injuries then children living in urban settings. According to recent data, rural children have twice the rate of overall maltreatment as the general population. The risk of sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect as well as physical abuse is much higher for those living in rural area than in urban areas.
These children need to be protected and represented by experienced lawyers who can can communicate with children in order to proprely assess their well-being, are technology savvy, develop relationship with community organizations to access their resources, exercise care if any conflict of interest arises and are knowledgeable about states mandatory reporting requirements.
In a recent study that was published in the March edition of the ABA Child Law Practice, Cameron R. Getto and Daniel Pollack, a professor at the School of Social Work at Yeshiva University in New York look at the most recent child maltreatment trends in rural areas and offer advice on how to address challenges when representing these children. For a copy of the article contact Professor Pollack.