Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is a New York Plaintiff's personal injury law firm specializing in automobile accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, products liability, police misconduct and all types of New York personal injury litigation.

Articles Posted in Trial Advocacy

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben Rubinowitz

Our managing partner, New York Personal Injury Attorney Ben Rubinowitz, has developed a reputation as a leading plaintiff’s trial lawyer throughout the country. In recognition of his skill as a national leader in his field, Ben will be speaking to the Wyoming Trial Lawyers at their annual convention. In light of the recent string of eight figure multimillion dollar verdicts that he received, Ben has been asked to speak about developing damages through cross-examination of experts.

The Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association’s Annual Convention ” Litigation in 2020 and Beyond” will take place on June 18th and 19th via Live Streaming.

Click here for more info or to register

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzOur Managing partner Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan will be presenting “Successful Trial Techniques from Jury Selection through Summation”, a live streaming Seminar organized by the New York Sate Academy of Trial Lawyers on Wednesday June 10.

This two hour seminar will feature some of the best known Trial Lawyers in New York. For more than 20 years, Evan Torgan and Ben Rubinowitz have provided guidance to lawyers throughout the state in their featured column in the New York Law Journal, Trial Advocacy. This seminar will take you through some of the techniques that have allowed these lawyers to obtain multiple seven- and eight-figure verdicts. They will not only talk about strategies they use but will provide demonstrations of the successful techniques that have allowed them to obtain such remarkable results. The two will be joined by Angélicque Moreno, President of the New York Academy of Trial Lawyers, another successful trial attorney who has numerous multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements to her credit.

Click here to register


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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzJoin our managing partner  Ben Rubinowitz  as he is co-chairing with Judy Livingston and Jeff Korek  this two part webinar: Openings & Summations. They have assembled an All-Star panel of Trial Attorneys who will demonstrate what they do and say in Opening Statements and Closing Arguments to achieve spectacular results. Trial demonstrations are what this program is all about. Each member of the faculty will demonstrate an opening or summation.

This webinar  organized by the New York State Trial Association is free for all NYSTLA members and non-members. It has been approved for transitional & non-transitional credits. Participants will receive 4 Skills CLE credits.

Part 1 will take place on May 26th from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzOur managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz, will be a panelist at the “Expert Witnesses” CLE program presented by the Federal Bar Council in New York on December 5th.

Expert witnesses are at the center of modern litigation of all kinds, from personal injury litigation, complex commercial cases to mass torts and white collar crime. This program will cover Daubert motions and other limitations on expert testimony, best practices for drafting expert reports, tips on how to effectively present complex expert testimony to a jury, and strategies for cross-examining experts. The panel will also discuss innovations that may improve expert practice in the federal courts.

Ben will be part of of a group of 5 panelists that includes Jonathan P. Bach, Esq. from Shapiro Arato Bach LLP, Sheila S. Boston, Esq. from Arnold & Porter, Mark R. Seiden, Esq. from Jones Day as well as Professor Daniel J. Capra,  Reed Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law and Reporter for the Advisory Committee on the Federal Rules of Evidence. The judicial moderator of the program will be The Honorable Colleen McMahon, Chief U.S. District Judge, Southern District of New York.

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Our Partner, NY personal injury attorney Christopher J. Donadio has been invited by the New  York Medical Malpractice Attorney Christopher_DonadioCounty Lawyers Association to lecture at a continuing legal education event titled “From Voir Dire to Verdict: Trying a Personal Injury Case” which will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:00pm at the New York County Lawyers Association office at 14 Vesey Street, New York, New York. Mr. Donadio has been asked to provide a plaintiff’s attorney’s approach to all aspects of a personal injury trial.

In addition to Mr. Donadio, the event will also include a defense attorney’s approach to personal injury trials, provided by Alecia Walters-Hinds of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, as well as the perspectives of the Honorable Kathryn E. Freed and the Honorable Louis L. Nock, judges in the New York State Supreme Court, New York County.

Please click on the following link to register for the lecture:

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Nita BoardFor more than 50 years the National Institute For Trial Advocacy has taught advocacy skills to lawyers both nationally and internationally.  As a 501(c)(3) NITA is a organization composed of a network of lawyers, judges and advocates who volunteer their time and energy to those lawyers who are interested in refining their advocacy skills. At NITA lawyers have the opportunity to learn from skilled advocates without the stress of learning at their client’s expense. 
This year Ben Rubinowitz, a partner in the New York City law firm Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is serving as Chair of the Board of Trustees of NITA. “I am honored to serve as the Board Chair of NITA. As one who came up through the ranks — starting as a student , then teacher, then Program Director — I can state unequivocally that NITA is, by far, the best training a trial advocate can have. Each year NITA trains thousands of lawyers. And many of the judges before whom I practice have told me that they can recognize those lawyers who have been trained by NITA.” 
NITA believes in a fair, ethical and impartial adversarial justice system. The training and development at NITA promotes the development of skilled and ethical advocates who work to improve the administration of justice worldwide.
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rubinowitz_torganIn their recent Trial Advocacy column in the New York Law Journal, NYC Personal Injury Lawyers Ben Rubinowitz of Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf, and Evan Torgan of Torgan & Cooper discuss time tested ways to cross examine experts to achieve successful results at trial. Examples from recent trials are used to help illustrate the points. Each of these techniques have been used by the authors to develop powerful arguments for summation and assist in bringing home a successful verdict.

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzThis Friday, September 20,  Ben Rubinowitz will be lecturing for the New York State Trial Lawyers annual Decisions Program. Ben will be lecturing on trial practice and will be giving specific examples  from recent cases dealing with thorny evidentiary issues and up-to-date Case law. His lecture will discuss recent issues and holdings by trial and appellate courts. Ben’s lecture is one that has been viewed in the past as essential for any trial lawyer working on medical malpractice, products liability or general negligence cases.

The program will take place at the Hotel Pennsylvania located at 401 7th Avenue In Manhattan. For more information or to register click here

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzOur Managing partner, NYC Personal Injury Attorney Ben Rubinowitz, will be speaking along with Mark Mandell and other attorneys at the Advanced Case Framing Seminar —Bringing the Book to Life: Case Examples, Breakthroughs and VerdictsAdvance Case that will take place in Philadelphia on September 6th and 7th at the Logan Hotel.

This program is based on attorney Mark Mandell’s highly anticipated book that will be released late next week, Advanced Case Framing (the registration fee includes a copy of Mark’s new book).  This excellent program is held by  the American Association for Justice.

Click here for more info or to register

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NYC-Personal-Injury-Attorneys-Rubinowitz-Torgan-SaghirIn an article published Today in the New York Law Journal, NYC Personal Injury Attorneys Ben Rubinowitz,  Evan Torgan  and Peter Saghir discuss trial techniques to secure winning verdicts.

One of these techniques is to FRAME an issue that can be explored during cross examination, reinforced during final argument and one that leaves the jury with an indelible impression that will last well into jury deliberations.

Our managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz, has been recognized for his expert commentary in the NYLJ for the past 19 years.