Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is a New York Plaintiff's personal injury law firm specializing in automobile accidents, construction accidents, medical malpractice, products liability, police misconduct and all types of New York personal injury litigation.

Articles Posted in Firm News

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey BloomNew York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur partner,  New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom will be chairing the “Anatomy & Medicine for Lawyers” program offered by the New York State Bar Association Thursday March 29th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the CFA Society, 1540 Broadway #1010 in New York City. The program will also be webcasted live.

During the program Jeffrey will talk about preparing a medical malpractice case. He will discuss cases from both the plaintiff and defense perspectives. Our managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz will also attend the program as a speaker. He will lecture, about orthopedic and spinal injuries. He will be joined by Dr James Naidich, a radiologist in discussing these types of injuries.

This unique program will familiarize medical malpractice attorneys and personal injury attorneys (both plaintiff and defense) as well as workers’ compensation attorneys with the medical concepts and terminology necessary to

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New York Personal Injury Attorneys Rubinowitz and TorganIn their latest Trial Advocacy column in the New York Law Journal, NYC Personal Injury Attorneys Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan write: Concurrent or overlapping surgeries are becoming more common in major teaching hospitals. Although studies have suggested that the practice can be performed without endangering patient safety, the attorney prosecuting such a case should focus on the motives behind the practice. Developing “case frames” such as profit over safety will certainly answer questions in the minds of jurors as to who benefits from double booking.

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzOur personal injury law firm is proud to announce that our managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz, was invited to be one of the 5 distinguished faculty members of “CLE with the Stars”, a seminar organized by the Connecticut Trial Lawyer Association.

The 4 other distinguished faculty members will travel from all over the country. They are Mark Davis from the Honolulu firm Davis Levin Livongston, Randy L. Kinard from the Nashville firm Kinnard, Clayton & Beveridge, Zoe Littlepage from the Houston law firm Littlepage Booth and Tyler Thompson from Dole, Thompson, Shepherd & Conway, PSC in Louisville, KY. The program will be chaired by Connecticut attorneys Kathleen Nastri and Michael Koskoff both from the firm Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder, PC.

The seminar will take place Friday April 6th 2008 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at The Trumbull Marriott, 180 Hawley Lane, Trumbull CT 06611.

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New York Personal Injury lawyer Anthony GairNew York Personal Injury Attorney Christopher DonadioOur NY Construction Accident law firm is proud to announce that our attorneys Anthony H. Gair and Christopher J. Donadio obtained a $1 million settlement in a construction accident that occurred in New York. The case involved an incident that occurred on a construction site in Manhattan. The plaintiff, who was a worker on the job site, suffered a crush injury to his thumb when a small crane (known as a “gin pole”) failed, and caused a several hundred pound motor to fall on to the plaintiff’s hand.

Due to the incident, the plaintiff was taken by ambulance to the hospital. At the hospital, the plaintiff was diagnosed with a crushed thumb on his non-dominant hand. As a result of the injury, the plaintiff required three surgical procedures to his thumb, including a revascularization procedure and a skin graft.

An action was brought in New York County, Supreme Court, against the general contractor of the construction project, and the owner of the construction site. The action was brought under New York Labor Law §240(1). The Labor Law of New York §240(1) provides that:

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NYC personal Injury lawyer Richard SteigmanOur partner Richard Steigman and Hon. Rosalyn H. Richter, Appellate Division, First Department will be co-chairing the New York State Trial Lawyers Seminar “2018 CPLR Update”. This seminar will take place on Monday April 9  from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the NYTSLA office at 132 Nassau Street.

One of the key requirements of successfully managing a civil caseload is staying abreast of legislative changes and court decisions in the field of New York Civil Practice. This year in particular, there are substantial changes that every lawyer in this field needs to know. This seminar will provide an in-depth review of these new developments, including practice tips and pitfall warnings that are invaluable for the civil litigator.

Topics will include:

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Personal Injury Attorney Ben RubinowitzOur managing partner, New York Personal Injury Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz, will be a member of the Faculty at the CLE Live Event “Case Framing, The Science and Art of Advocacy” that will take place May 4th and 5th at the Omni Parker House in Boston, MA.

Building a case a jury can believe in is fundamental to obtaining a favorable verdict. Renowned Rhode Island trial attorney Mark Mandell designed and built the Case Framing Model to do precisely that. This model is based on the idea that “just verdicts result when everything presented at trial is framed and sequenced to focus juror attention on the points you most want to make.” The key, then, is to focus the jury’s attention on what really matters.

Mark has created a two-day seminar to teach the fundamentals of Case Framing. The program begins with an introduction to Case Framing, then delves into the latest developments in decision science and psychology, and ultimately finishes with practical guidance on how to apply the model to your cases.

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New York Car Accident Attorney Marijo AdimeyOur partner, NYC auto accident attorney Marijo Adimey is a Program Faculty Member for “Keeping Current with New York Automobile Litigation “, a yearly seminar organised by the New York State Bar Association. She will be speaking Today at the Long Island Melvin Marriott and on March 1st at the CFA Society in Manhattan. During her presentation Marijo will demonstrate how to take a meaningful deposition in an automobile accident case. Other subjects covered in the seminar include:

  • Update and refresher on no-fault litigation coverage,
  • New York’s no-fault threshold laws,
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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeff Bloom with client Lissy McMahonThe NY Medical Malpractice Attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhornm, Steigman & Mackauf are happy for the family of our client Lissy McMahon.  New York Governor Cuomo and the state legislative leaders announced that the Governor will sign Lavern’s Law on Tuesday. With the help of our Medical Malpractice Attorney Jeffrey Bloom, Lissy a mother who was misdiagnosed with cancer after the statute of limitations had passed, relentlessly pushed for the passage of this Law. Lavern’s Law moves the starting date of the statute of limitations to the date of the discovery of the misdiagnosis instead of the date the when the misdiagnosis occurred.  Sadly Lissy passed away before the signing of the law. She left behind a 15 year old son (read more in our previous blog).

Jeffrey is the Co-chair of the Medical Malpractice Committee of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association as well as the Co-Chair of LAWPAC New York, the Trial Lawyers political action committee. In these roles he pushed relentlessly for the passage of the law.

After Cuomo announced that he would sign Lavern’s Law, the family of  Lissy McMahon released the following statement:

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New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben RubinowitzOur partner, Ben Rubinowitz, a nationally regarded plaintiff’s lawyer, recently lectured at the Winter Urologic Forum sponsored by Columbia University, Vanderbilt University, and University of California Davis.

One of the main topics in his talk focused on the issue of Concurrent Surgeries, or what is commonly referred to as Simultaneous Surgeries.  Although many teaching hospitals throughout the country participate in this practice, Rubinowitz made clear that it is not in the best interests of the patient to have the doctor leave the operating room while treating one patient to attend to another.

Although the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recently suggested that Concurrent Surgeries were safe for patients, Rubinowitz challenged that study.

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NY Top Verdicts Personal Injury 2017
The New York Personal Injury Lawyers at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom Hershenhorn, Steigman and Mackauf obtained the second and the third highest personal injury verdicts in New York in 2017.

  • On September 28 2017, Ben Rubinowitz, Rachel Jacobs and James Rubinowitz obtained a $71 million verdict for a 19 year old woman who suffered a fracture of her lumbar spine in a car accident. This is the second highest personal injury verdict and the highest car accident verdict in New York in 2017. It is the fourth of all New York verdicts among all categories of law (read more here)
  • Less than a month later, on October 24 2017, Ben Rubinowitz and Peter Saghir obtained a $41.5 million verdict for a 43 year old sanitation worker who was fatally struck by a street sweeper.  This is the thirdd highest personal injury verdict and the highest truck accident verdict in New York in 2017. It is the fifth of all New York verdicts among all categories of law (read more here)