
The new Electronic Stability Control (ESC) final rule issued by the National Transportation Highway Traffic Safety Administration may prevent as many as 1759 bus and truck accidents as well as 649 personal injuries and 49 deaths every year

truck rolloverA long awaited NHTSA rule has the potential to decrease by 56% untripped rollover crashes (rollover crashes that are not caused by striking an obstacle or leaving the road) of large trucks and big buses.  This new rule requires that all Class 7-8 trucks and large buses be equipped  with electronic stability control (ESC) system. According to the NHTSA “ESC works instantly and automatically to maintain directional control in situations where the driver’s own steering and braking cannot be accomplished quickly enough to prevent the crash.”

This new rule has been a long time coming. The first recommendation to equip large truck and buses with ESC was issued by the NHTSA in 2011.

Read the press release from the NHTSA

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