Weather conditions pose a serious risk for truck drivers and everyone else on the road. In fact, 21 % of the 5.8 million crashes that occur annually in the US are linked to adverse weather, according to data from the Federal Highway Administration. With such a high percentage of accidents…
Articles Posted in truck accident
79 people have been killed in 69 truck accidents involving contractors hired by the U.S. Postal Service over the last 3 years
Last June, 5 people including a baby were killed in a truck accident involving a truck carrying mail for the U.S. postal service. Investigation found that the truck driver who didn’t have a valid commercial license, got distracted and slammed into a car as traffic was slowing down. An entire…
As truck crashes fatalities reach a record high in the US, safety advocates ask for lawmakers to update truck safety regulations
As more and more truck traffic in the US leads to more and more truck accident fatalities, truck safety activists are pushing for the government to revise safety regulations and laws related to truck traffic in the US. 5,600 people died in truck accidents in the US in 2021 compared…
2016 Road construction work zone fatal crashes at their highest since 2007
143 workers lost their lives on road construction sites in 2016 in America compared to respectively 130, 119 and 105 in 2015, 2014 and 2013. This is the third consecutive year that the number of worker deaths has been increasing. Over the last 10 years the number of road construction…
Speed limiters can reduce truck accidents and make the roads safer
Truck accidents are on a trending rise in New York City. Last July they reached a record number of 805. It was the first time ever that the number of monthly truck accidents in New York City was over 800. In the US, 4067 people died in truck accidents in 2015…
To prevent truck accidents, The NHTSA plans to mandate electronic speed limiter
1,000 people die in truck accidents related to speed every year in the US. If truck drivers weren’t able to drive faster than 60 mph, the NHTSA estimated that half of these people would be alive. For almost 10 years most trucks in the world have been equipped with electronic technology…
Will deaths and injuries in underride truck accidents decrease with the NHTSA proposed new rule?
Underride truck accidents are among the most horrific traffic accidents. They usually involved a car sliding under a truck, most often a tractor trailer truck. These accidents are often deadly and gruesome. In many cases, pieces of metal from the truck intrude into the vehicle causing passengers severe head trauma or…
Its Drive Safely Work Week – Plan Ahead to reduce the risk of accidents
835 sales workers and truck drivers died in traffic accidents last year according to preliminary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). To raise awareness about these accidents and to reduce the number of drivers dying on the job, the Network of Employers for…
To reduce the number of deaths and personal injuries related to truck accidents a group of road safety advocates petitioned the NHTSA to create a safety regulation that requires the use of truck crash avoidance technology
New technologies that can help prevent truck accidents such as forward collision avoidance and mitigation braking (F-CAM) systems should be mandatory on all new big trucks and buses according to The Truck Safety Coalition, the Center for Auto Safety, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety and Road Safe America. These four…
To reduce the number of large truck accidents the FMSCA will train police officers on truck traffic enforcement
Roadside inspections can be effective at reducing the number of large truck accidents. However police officers are often reluctant to do it because they are concerned about the safety of pulling the truck over or because they do not understand the documentation involved. To solve to this issue the Federal…