
Articles Posted in spinal cord injury


New technology to help patients with spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injuries result in damages that are  often irreversible or require patients to spend a very long time in a hospital setting for rehabilitation. Existing technologies used to rehab patients suffering from spinal cord injury are often heavy and can not be used in a home setting. However a…


The medical belief that scar formation at the site of injured spinal cord may block neuronal regrowth may actually be wrong

The medical practice of trying to avoid scar formation at the site of a spinal cord injury may indeed not be correct. Every year approximately 12,500 American will suffer a spinal cord injury and an estimated 276,000 people in the US are suffering from long term effects related to this injury. For decades…


Spinal Cord Injury: new neuroimaging protocols show that patients have irreversible tissue loss in the spinal cord within 40 days of injury

After a spinal cord injury, the assumption that it takes years for degenerative changes in the spinal cord and the brain to happen is incorrect. A study from the University of Zurich, Uniklinik Balgrist, and University College London (UCL), demonstrates that anatomical changes in the spinal cord and brain above…

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