Articles Posted in new york police misconduct


NYPD misconduct costed tax payers more than $500 million over the last 6 years including $115 millions last year

New York City has expended over $500 million in police misconduct settlements over the past six years, with nearly $115 million disbursed in 2023 alone. An analysis, provided by the Legal Aid Society, not only quantifies the financial ramifications of these settlements but also underscores a systemic issue that demands…


New York Police brutality: ProPublica releases searchable database of complaints against active-duty police officers who

Disciplinary records of NYPD officers who committed police brutality, abuse or misconduct have been kept secret from the public until last month. Last June, Governor Cuomo signed a bill to repeal section 50-A of the New York Civil Rights Law that was protecting police officers and firefighters who committed misconduct…


NYC Police brutality: nothing much has changed since Amadou Diallo

Police brutality and racial profiling continue to happen in New York City because cops can get away with it. Since 1999 when Amadou Diallo died after being shot at 41 times and hit 19 by the police, 179 additional people have been killed by on duty New York Police Officers…


Police Brutality: Two NYPD cops charged for beating a Brooklyn Teenager

Two New York police officers have been charged for assault and police misconduct after they were caught on tape beating Kahreem Tribble, a 16 year old teenager with their fists and a gun (see video below). David Afanador and Tyrane Isaac were caught on a video chasing and catching the…

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