Our partner Jeffrey Bloom will be talking about Medical Malpractice at the next “Bridging the Gap Winter 2016” program. This seminar is organized by the New York State Bar Association. It is primarily intended to help newly admitted lawyers to bridge the gap between law school and the reality of practicing…
Articles Posted in new york medical malpractice lawyer
New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeff Bloom reacts to the rejection of Lavern’s Law by the NY State legislature
After Lavern’s Law was left to die by the NY legislature, NYC medical malpractice attorney Jeff Bloom was quoted in Politico saying “The fact that once again the Senate leadership has caved to the will of hospital executives is a slap in the face to the men and women who are injured…
New York Medical Malpractice: will the Senate take up the Lavern’s Law Bill in their last session?
In New York the statute of limitations for medical malpractice starts from the time the medical error occurred. Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein (D-Brooklyn) is sponsoring a bill that would start the statute of limitations from the time the medical error is discovered instead of the the time it occurred. The bill, named after Lavern Wilkinson,…
NYC Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeff Bloom is helping his client in her legal fight to get Lavern’s Law passed
Our partner, New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Jeff Bloom is helping our client Elissa McMahon in her crusade to get Lavern’s law passed (see previous post). After she discovered that doctors in a New York hospital failed to diagnose cancer, Elissa McMahon was unable to bring a lawsuit because the statute of limitations had…
Jeffrey Bloom to speak at “Current Issues in New York Medical Malpractice” NYC Bar Seminar this Monday
New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom will be speaking at the New York City Bar Seminar “Current Issues in New York Medical Malpractice”. This program features a multi-disciplinary view of the current state of medical malpractice in New York, including regulatory concerns for the admitted professional liability insurers, techniques…
Ben Rubinowitz and Jeffrey Bloom comment on Joan Rivers Medical Malpractice Settlement
Our partners, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyers Ben Rubinowitz and Jeffrey Bloom appeared this morning on Good Morning America to discuss the settlement that they reached in the Joan Rivers malpractice case. See video below
Confidential settlement reached in Joan Rivers medical malpractice case
Our law firm is pleased to announce that our attorneys Jeffrey Bloom and Ben Rubinowitz were successful in resolving the Joan Rivers Medical Malpractice case on behalf of her family. The amount is confidential. Here is the statement from Melissa Rivers in regards to this settlement: “In accepting this settlement, I…
Growing concerns about the New York Medical Malpractice Insurance market
Our partner, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom was quoted in an article about medical malpractice insurance in NY which appeared on Politico New York/Capital New York.com. The article focused on the influx into the New York medical malpractice insurance market of out of state insurers known as risk…
Ben Rubinowitz to speak at the NYC Medical Malpractice Litigation 2016 seminar organized by the New York State Bar Association
Our managing partner, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz will be a panel member at the Medical Malpractice Litigation 2016 NYC Live & Webcast seminar organized by the NYSBA on April 15. Ben will be speaking on effective methods of deposing the defendant doctor in a medical malpractice case. This…
Medical Malpractice: Failure to Diagnose Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Abdominal compartment syndrome is well recognized as a potential complication of laparotomy for trauma. It has also been reported after repair of large ventral hernias and may be anticipated in any case in which there is a loss of domain for abdominal organs. Failure to diagnose Intra-Abdominal Hypertension leading to Abdominal…