Our managing partner, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz was invited by the New York Section of the American Urological Association Education & Research to participate in their 115th annual meeting. This meeting took place in Havana, Cuba, from November 5th to November 11th. During the meeting participants attended…
Articles Posted in new york medical malpractice lawyer
Jeffrey Bloom discusses medical malpractice and legal malpractice on Today’s Verdict
Our partner New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom was recently invited to appear on Today’s Verdict show hosted by David Lesch to discuss legal malpractice and medical malpractice (see the video of the show below) Our firm receives many phone calls from people who are upset with their lawyer…
Lavern’s Law passes New York State Senate by vote of 55 to 6, Assembly by 105-23
Cancer patients who have been misdiagnosed by New York doctors or hospitals will now have a fairer chance to be compensated. Yesterday, the New York Senate finally passed the Lavern’s Law which is moving the starting date of the statute of limitations to the date of the discovery of the…
Marijo Adimey selected by Super Lawyer as a Top Women NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney
Congratulations to our New York York Medical Malpractice Attorney Marijo Adimey who was selected by Super Lawyer as a Top Women Attorney for the category “Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice, Plaintiff, 2016”. Top Women attorneys selected by Super Lawyer have been selected through an extremely rigorous process. After being nominated by their…
Michelle Mello’s latest re:Federal Medical Malparctice Tort Reform- in newest New England Journal of Medicine
By: Jeffery B. Bloom; Tort reformer Michelle Mello is at it again, this time in the latest New England Journal of Medicine writing about the proposals from Sec. Tom Price and the US House. Instead of caps (about which she states: “caps have not been shown to improve the quality of…
Recent Lectures from New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeffrey Bloom
On Wednesday, Our partner Jeffrey Bloom lectured and did a demonstration of a deposition of a defendant doctor in a medical malpractice case at Metropolitan Hospital Emergency Department Grand Rounds which was attended by New York Medical College emergency medicine faculty, residents, medical students and other observers and research staff.…
New York Medical Malpratice Lawyer Marijo Adimey featured in “Lexis Nexis Case of the Week”
A NYC Medical Malpractice case in which our partner Marijo Adimey won a 1.27 million verdict was featured by Lexis Nexis as their case of the week. Marijo successfully represented a 64 year old woman from Kings County, Brooklyn, who suffered ruptured spleen during a colonoscopy after the doctor used excessive force. A…
New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Ben Rubinowitz to lecture at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Ben Rubinowitz, a partner at our firm, has been asked by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine to deliver a Grand Rounds lecture to its radiologists. This talk will specifically focus on medical malpractice and communication issues that lead to medical negligence. Throughout his 30 years as a trial lawyer,…
NYC Medical Malpractice Attorney Marijo Adimey obtained $1.27 million verdict for a client injured during a colonoscopy in Brooklyn
Our firm is proud to announce that New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Marijo C. Adimey obtained a $1.27 million verdict in a colonoscopy case in Brooklyn, New York City. The plaintiff, Lola Heifetz (63), went to Dr. Robin Baradarian and The Brooklyn Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, PLLC on September 26, 2010 for…
Early diagnosis is key to successfully fighting breast cancer
Failure to diagnose breast cancer at an early stage or delay in treating breast cancer early can have deadly consequences. Early detection of the disease through regular screening such as mammogram is essential for every woman over 40 year old. According to Cancer.net, women who are diagnosed when the cancer…