Articles Posted in new York car accident lawyer


One pedestrian dead and several others injured in DUI car crash in Manhattan

It was an ordinary evening in Gramercy, Manhattan, where people were going about their daily routines. However, that evening turned into a nightmare when a terrifying car accident caused by an intoxicated driver unfolded on a busy sidewalk. Last Sunday night around 7:30 pm, an intoxicated driver, 26-year-old Mahbub Ali…


Verdict obtained by Peter Saghir in difficult New York Pedestrian Accident case

Congratulations to our partner NYC car accident lawyer Peter J. Saghir who obtained a verdict in Queens in a difficult liability case involving a pedestrian who was struck by a car at 42nd Street and 12th Avenue in Manhattan. The trial was bifurcated and the defendant denied all liability and faulted the…


New York Car Accident Lawyer Marijo Adimey to speak at NYSBA Seminar “Keeping Current with New York Automobile Litigation”

Our partner, NYC auto accident attorney Marijo Adimey is a Program Faculty Member for “Keeping Current with New York Automobile Litigation “, a yearly seminar organised by the New York State Bar Association. She will be speaking Today at the Long Island Melvin Marriott and on March 1st at the CFA…


Despite Zero Vision efforts the number of traffic injuries and deaths in February in NYC are going up again

3,665 people were injured and 18 people died in traffic accidents in New York City last month. This is the highest number of  crash injuries and the second highest number of crash deaths recorded in the month of February over the last 4 years.  Compared to February of last year…

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