
Articles Posted in medical malpractice


Patient Identification error is common medical malpractice

Wrong patient error is medical malpractice that can have deadly consequences. As healthcare is becoming more and more sophisticated, patients are visiting multiple care providers and their personal data are being shared through multiple IT systems. The growing complexity of the health care system has led to an increase in patient errors…


Misdiagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in black Americans may be common medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice may have been committed on many American Africans who were previously diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  A recent study found that some genetic variations that were linked to this condition were indeed harmless. These specific genetic variations were found more often in black Americans than in white Americans. Therefore many patients from…


Is it medical malpractice to discharge patients from hospitals with unstable vital signs?

Discharging a patient too early can be hospital negligence that puts a patient at higher risk of readmission or death. An alarming new study shows that 1 out of 5 patients is released from the hospital before his vital signs are stable. The study released in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, was conducted…


Failure to Diagnose Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Failure to diagnose alcohol withdrawal symptom (AWS) can be medical malpractice that may cause severe injury or even death in some cases. The ECRI Institute  is looking at options to  better “Identify Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Early and Ease Patients’ Care”. An estimated 20 % of the patients that are admitted in US hospitals show…


A faster and easier diagnosis of bacterial infections in newborns with fever

Failure to diagnose or delay to treat a bacterial infection in a newborn can be medical malpractice. Doctors (and also parents) may sometimes be reluctant to submit a young infant  to a lengthy and complicated process in order to  find out if a fever may  be caused by a bacterial infection. Thanks to new research this…


Confidential settlement reached in Joan Rivers medical malpractice case

Our law firm is pleased to announce that our attorneys Jeffrey Bloom and Ben Rubinowitz were successful in resolving the Joan Rivers Medical Malpractice case on behalf of her family. The amount is confidential. Here is the statement from Melissa Rivers in regards to this settlement: “In accepting this settlement, I…


How to find out if your doctor was sued for medical malpractice and if he or she was, should you worry about it?

If you learn that your doctor was sued for medical malpractice, should you immediately change doctors? A recent article in Consumer Reports  explains how patients can find information about their doctor and what they should do about it. Not every doctor who was sued for medical malpractice is a bad doctor.…


Medical Malpractice is the third highest cause of death in the US

251,000 people died from medical error in the US in 2013. This was the third highest cause of death that year  in the US after cancer (585,000) and heart disease (611,000) according to estimates calculated by Martin A Makary, professor and Michael Daniel, research fellow at the Department of Surgery of Johns…


Should doctors attend a mandatory training program to prescribe opiates?

The fear of providing lawyers with new weapons for medical malpractice lawsuits and the idea that the FDA wants to tell doctors how to practice medicine are among the many reasons why most physicians are still opposed to mandatory training for prescription of painkillers .  In 2012 a recommendation by an expert…


How to avoid medical malpractice and negligently performed surgeries in complicated procedures?

Too many patients requiring complex surgery are suffering the devastating consequences of medical malpractice committed by inexperienced surgeons who negligently performed the surgery.  Some medical experts believe that there should be some type of legal way to prevent patients from undergoing high risk surgeries with inexperienced surgeons in hospitals that handle a low volume of…

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