Articles Posted in hospital negligence nyc


Anesthesiologist with history of medical malpractice delivered deadly epidural to mother in labor

  A mother about to give birth died from medical malpractice in a New York City Hospital.  On July 2020, Sha Asia Temple, a 26 year old pregnant woman was at Woodhull Medical Center about to give birth to her daughter. Dr Dmitry Shelchkov, the anesthesiologist who was in charge…


NY Hospitals with the highest and the lowest readmission rates

Excessive patient readmissions is usually a sign of hospital negligence. Not only can it worsen the patient’s condition and extend recovery time but it also increases the patient’s bill. In order to curb readmission rates and make sure hospitals pay more attention to patients after their departure, the Hospital Readmission…


Superbug Fungus Candida Auris spreading in New York Hospitals and Nursing Homes

New York State hospitals and especially New York City hospitals and nursing homes are the institutions the most affected in the country by Candida Auris, a dangerous fungal infection resistant to most medications. The disease already killed a patient at Mount Sinai hospital last year and 309 cases have been…


Medical malpractice committed at NYC’s public hospitals kills almost 100 patients yearly

468 people died of medical malpractice in NYC’s public hospitals in the past 5 years according to a recent article in the New York Post.  Among all 11 HHC hospitals, Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn had the worst record. 91 claims of wrongful death related to medical malpractice were filed…


How to proprely manage cold injuries?

As New York hospitals are gearing up for an increased number of patients visiting the emergency room for cold related injuries it is important that physicians and nurses be up to date with proper management of cold injuries as medical malpractice such as failure to diagnose and timely treat systemic…


NYC Hospital employee caught selling patients’s private information

Approximately 100 patients from Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn had their private information stolen  by an unscrupulous employee. 52 year old Orlando Jemmott, a long time hospital employee working in the emergency room is accused of selling the health data of 98 employees to an alleged buyer from Pennsylvania named…


ER at Bronx Montefiore Hospital is dangerously overcrowded

The 3 emergency units at Montefiore Hospital in New York are so overcrowded and unruly that it endangered patients and staffers. Patients have to wait for hours to be treated and staffers are regularly attacked by psych patients. According to a nurse working there who was recently interviewed by the…


Department of Health blames negligent New York hospital for medical malpractice after patient caught fire during surgery

A fire erupted in a New York hospital operating room while a patient was having surgery. The accident happened in 2014 at  NYU Langone Medical Center but the results of the investigation were only recently released by the New York Department of Health. The report was obtained by the NY Post under a…


A New York City hospital worker who checked in at the Emergency Room of the facility he was working for was found dead in the bathroom several days later

The family of a hospital worker is angry and wants to know how such gross hospital negligence may have been committed by the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NYC. Anthony Luso, a worker at the Montefiore Medical Center suffered a finger injury while he was working at the hospital and went to the Emergency Room…

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