
Articles Posted in car accident


Could a virtual driving test reduce deaths and injuries related to teen car crashes

Car accidents are the number one cause of teen fatalities and disability in the US. Close to 2,000 young drivers between 15 and 20 year old die in car crashes every year. This doesn’t include the deaths of passengers riding with teens or other road users including cyclists and pedestrians…


Preventing infant injuries during a car crash with a properly installed car seat

To protect children from serious head, neck and spinal injuries during a car crash, the NY Child Safety Seat Law requires that parents use a rear-facing car seat for all children younger than 2 year old. Tests have demonstrated that infants have a head that is heavy compared to the…


Should Apple be liable for distracted driving accidents?

Apple recently dodged several  product liability lawsuits from families of victims of distracted driving crashes. The lawsuits claimed that Apple not only is aware that the Iphone triggers dangerous compulsive behaviors in some individuals but that the company has the technological means to prevent such behavior when a cellphone user…


The benefits of assessing a crash scene with a drone?

Secondary traffic accidents are accidents that occur after a first accident mostly because the traffic conditions changed. When  a car accident occurs,  the road may be blocked for a significant time so that police can proprely assess the accident scene. As a result traffic conditions quickly change, with congestion increasing…


Risk of death increases dramatically in crashes involving teens riding with teens

A recent study by the AAA Foundation found that crashes involving a teen driver with other teen passengers in the car are 515% more deadly for road users than crashes involving a teen driver with passengers older than 35. When teens ride together in a car and they are involved…


Protecting children from injury – recent studies

The Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS) just released a compilation of their 10 most recent projects in their 2018 annual report. Here is a summary of their area of studies and findings: Some recent studies are questioning if  it may actually be safer for a child to be seated…


50% of parents use their cellphone while driving with young children

Distracted driving has led to a surge in fatal car accidents and even parents with young children in their car admit that they use their phone while driving. According to a study recently released by  the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing and published in…


The National Safety Council wants to apply Vision Zero Strategies at National level

Vision Zero is a road safety program that was first started in Sweden and then successfully applied in many other European countries. When Bill de Blasio became the mayor of New York, he also implemented a Vision Zero strategy for New York City which over the last four years led…


Hit and Run accident fatalities at their highest in the US, 60% of the victims are pedestrians

2,049 people died in 1,980 fatal hit and run crashes in 2016 in the US according to a study recently released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. This is the highest number of fatal hit and run crashes ever recorded in the US. Among the 2,049 people who died…


2016 Road construction work zone fatal crashes at their highest since 2007

143 workers lost their lives on road construction sites in 2016 in America compared to respectively 130, 119 and 105 in 2015, 2014 and 2013. This is the third consecutive year that the number of worker deaths has been increasing.  Over the last 10 years the number of road construction…

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