
To prevent potential serious injury or death in bicycle accidents the NYC DOT is giving away free Vision Zero helmets

During the summer, there are between 500 and 700 bicycle accidents  in New York City every month. Most of them will result in injuries and an average 2 to 3 bicyclists will die in these accidents. Bicyclists who wear a helmet reduce their chance of death or serious injury in an accident by 85% according to recent studies.  In New York State the law makes it mandatory for bicyclists under 13 years old to wear a helmet. Adults are not required by law to wear a helmet but are highly encouraged to do so especially if they are riding in the congested streets of the city.

From April to the end of October 2016 the NYC Department of Transportation is organizing giveaways and helmet-fitting events across the city.  23,000 free helmets will be distributed to New Yorkers during these events. One of them took place last week at the Brooklyn Public Library (see NY Daily News).  Saturday, May 14th, a free helmet fitting and distribution event took place at St. Catherine ‘s Park, 1245 1st Ave in Manhattan. Another distribution of helmets took place on Sunday May 15th in Brooklyn during the Bike Bonanza event. During this event, families were invited to participate in free fun activities and get free helmets. For more free helmet events check here.

Bicycle accidents injuries deaths NYC February 2016

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