New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


New York Construction Accidents-The Demise of “Secured” in Falling Object Cases?

For those who have practiced in the area of New York Construction Accidents both plaintiff and defense attorneys can agree on one point: the law interpreting New York Labor Law, Section 240(1) is constantly changing. The pendulum swings back and forth. For a brief discussion of the ever changing law…


New York Crane owner expected to be charged with manslaughter in 2008 Upper East Side crane collapse

From The New York Daily News; The owner of the city’s largest construction crane company ( New York Crane and Equipment Company) is expected to be indicted for manslaughter in the death of two workers killed in an upper East Side disaster nearly two years ago. For more information on…


Ben Rubinowitz Co-Author of “Exposing Biased Testimony On Cross”-New York Law Journal

Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan co-authored “Exposing Biased Testimony On Cross” which appeared in The New York Law Journal on February 23, 2010. The article discusses the basic elements necessary to properly attack the biased witness. The factors discussed include, Cross on Friendship, Cross On The Absence Of A Subpoena,…


Stephen Mackauf To Speak At New York State Bar Association Seminar-MEDICAL MALPRACTICE

Our Partner Stephen Mackauf will speak at The New York State Bar Association Seminar: Medical Malpractice to be held on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at New York Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd St.) New York, NY. Stephen will speak on Discovery (Plaintiff’s Perspective). For more information click here.…


Jeffrey Bloom To Speak On Summations At New York State Bar Association Seminar

Our Partner, Jeffrey Bloom will be speaking on Summations at The New York State Bar Association Seminar: Practical Skills-Basics of Civil Practice-The Trial to be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at New York Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 Seventh Avenue (at 33rd St.) New York, NY. For more information click here.



Our partner Stephen H. Mackauf will be speaking at The IQPC Program Obstetric Malpractice to be held on November 9-11 in Chicago. Stephen will be speaking on November 11th. The topic will be “What Every Lawyer Must Know About The New ACOG Standards On Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring.” For more…

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