New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


In New York Construction Accident Court Holds Question of Fact as To Whether Sub-Contractor Statutory Agent

In Nascimento v Bridgehampton Constr. Corp., New York Appellate Division, First Department, June 2, 2011, The Court dealt with the oft presented question as to whether a sub-contractor was a statutory agent of the general contractor for purposes of liability pursuant to New York Labor Law Sections 240(1) and 241(6).…


Plaintiff’s Personal Injury Action in Car Accident Case Dismissed under Emergency Doctrine

In Brannan v Korn, Second Department, May 24, 2011, an action to recover damages for personal injuries, The Court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment dismissing the complaint based on the emergency doctrine. The plaintiff, while attempting to walk across Ring Road, in Garden City, New York, was struck by…


New York Construction Accidents-Construction Worker Falls From Ladder,Complaint Dismissed

In MALONEY v.J.W. PFEIL & COMPANY, INC.,et al., Appellate Division, 3rd Department, decided May 19, 2011, plaintiff, while standing on the top cap of a six-foot ladder installing sheetrock on an overhead soffit, fell and sustained injury. Plaintiff moved for partial summary judgment on his Labor Law § 240 (1)…


GGCSMB&R Attorney Ben Rubinowitz Featured Speaker at New York State Bar Association

Ben Rubinowitz has been asked to be one of the featured speakers at the New York State Bar Association’s Continuing Legal Education Program “How To Commence A Civil Lawsuit.” Mr. Rubinowitz will be speaking about Depositions. His lecture will focus on appreciating and understanding the New Rules of Depositions; How…


Court Reverses Grant of Summary Judgment For Defendants in Wrongful Death Action

In Anastasi v. Terio, decided by The New York Appellate Division, Second Department on May 17, 2011, reversed the granting of Summary Judgment for defendants in this action for wrongful death. The case involved a car accident that took place at an intersection in Queens, New York City. The traffic…


Plaintiff Teacher Assaulted By Student Failed To Show Special Duty In New York Personal Injury Action

In Blackstock v.Board of Education of the City of New York, decided on May 12, 2011 by The Appellate Division, First Department, a special education speech therapist employed by the defendant Board of Education, claimed that she suffered personal injury as the result of an assault by a student. She…


Court Holds Plaintiff Cannot be Compelled to Disclose Confidential Psychological or Psychiatric Records in Personal Injury Action

In Churchill v Malek, 2011 NY Slip Op 03673, decided May 3, 2011, The New York Appellate Division, First Department held that a plaintiff in a personal injury action cannot be compelled to disclose confidential psychological or psychiatric records. The Court stated as follows; “Given that, in this personal injury…


$8,625,000 Recovery for the Wrongful Death of a Worker in a Construction Accident

Our partner Howard Hershenhorn recently settled this case in New York Supreme Court, New York County. The case involved the wrongful death of a 38 year old construction worker who fell from a ladder at 80 Centre street in Manhattan. The construction worker was in the process of demolishing a…

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