New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


Psych Center Supervisor Is Charged in Wrongful Death of Patient

Staten Island Advance / Landov A supervisor at a state-run psychiatric center has been indicted for the criminally negligent homicide of an autistic 27-year-old patient. The supervisor, Erik Stanley, said he used appropriate procedures in attempting to subdue Jawara Henry, 27, who died Dec. 4 at a Staten Island psychiatric…


Man dies in New York construction accident

New York State police confirmed that a 46-year-old Vermont construction worker died of injuries caused sustained in a heavy machinery construction accident. Michael Loyer of South Burlington was working for Trenchless Technologies of New England at a railroad site in Port Kent, New York. The accident occurred while he was…


New York Personal Injury Case Settled For $5,000,000.00

Partners Ben Rubinowitz, Chris Sallay and Anthony Gair working together settled this personal injury case at mediation with the case on the Trial Calendar for $5,000,000.00. The plaintiff, 47 at the time of the accident, had climbed a fire escape to the third floor of a building when the landing…


$3,375,000 Settlement in New York Medical Malpractice Case For Wrongful Death

Our Partner, Jeffrey Bloom, recently settled a medical malpractice case in New York Supreme Court, Nassau County for $3,375,000 for the wrongful death of a 46 year old husband and father of two young children in which the patient died on the operating table during the performance of back surgery.…

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