New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


Diagnostic Error – medical malpractice that can be life-threatening or result in death or permanent disability.

Diagnostic errors are not a new problem, in 1991 the Harvard medical Practice Study, investigated Medical Malpractice in New York Hospitals and found out that diagnostic errors were accounting for 14% of physicians errors and that 75% of them were due to doctors negligence. In 1999 a study from the…


Medical Malpractice – Failure to diagnose Ischemia – Routine Fractional Flow Reserve measured after angiography decreases misdiagnoses

Angiography alone doesn’t detect Ischemia and may lead to misdiagnosis when a patient is being checked for chest pain. A routine Functional Flow Reserve Measurement (FFR) after the angiography would lead to a change of diagnosis for 1 out of 4 patients according to a new study presented at EuroPCR…


Recreational Water Illness and Injury (RWII) Prevention: CDC Campaign focuses on How Swimmers Contaminate Pools

Recreational Water Illnesses (RWI) mostly caused by germs in contaminated water as well as personal injury such as drowning, slips, trips and falls occur every summer in pools, jacuzzis, water parks, water play areas, interactive fountains or lakes, rivers and recreational areas at the ocean. In order to prevent these…


Negligence – Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) significantly increase hospital profit margin

The average profit margin for a hospital to treat an infected patient is $ 55,000 while the margin to treat a similar patient without infection is just $ 6,500 according to a recent study from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine published in the American Journal of Medical Quality.…


Personal Injury – Women suffering from severe injuries are less likely to receive trauma care than men suffering from severe injury

Severely injured women are 21% less likely to receive appropriate care in a trauma center than men. Results are similar for women injured after a fall or a car accident, across all income levels and also when comparing rural versus urban patients according to a study , led by Andrea…


Personal Injury Prevention – New OSHA Campaign targets work accidents and illnesses among young people

Every 9 minutes a young worker suffers injury at work. In 2010, 328 teens died and 110’000 were injured at their workplace. Most accidents are due to unsafe equipment, insufficient training and supervision, dangerous work not appropriate for teens, pressure to perform better and stressful environment. Accidents happen mostly in…


Rental Car Accident Prevention: Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 prevents car rental companies from renting non repaired recalled vehicles to customers

Raechel and Jacqueline Houck died driving a rental car that had been recalled for a power steering hose defect but had not been repaired. The car caught fire because of the defect while traveling on the highway, causing a loss of steering and a head-on collision with a semi-trailer truck.…


New York City Car Accident Prevention: Communities can now apply for Neighborhood slow zones to reduce injuries and lower frequency and severity of crashes

In New York City, some 70,000 motor vehicle crashes are reported every year and among them 250 are fatal crashes, 3000 crashes lead to serious personal injury . 10,000 crashes involved pedestrians struck by a car or another vehicle such as a bus or a truck. In order to reduce…


Brain Injury – Brain swelling or brain bleeding can now be diagnosed using non-invasive wireless signals

A new inexpensive prototype device provides non invasive and instant diagnosis of brain injury to determine if the brain is swelling or if it is bleeding.The device can be combined with a cell phone for remote diagnosis according to a new study from University of California, Berkeley. A research team…


Medical Malpractice – Hospital Negligence – methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) may be killed with metal ions attached to clay

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is caused by a specific staph bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics and therefore very difficult to treat. If not diagnosed on time MRSA can be life threatening. MRSA is a major concern for hospitals where the superbug can attack older patients or those suffering…

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