After two pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents on the Upper West Side in NYC on Friday night, Scott Stringer said that “Upper West Side pedestrian deaths send a clear message: Time for studying the 96th St traffic corridor is over, NYC needs to take action to prevent fatalities. I…
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog
Pedestrian Dies in Tour Bus Accident in NYC on Friday night
Alexander Shear, 73, died in a bus accident in New York on Friday night. The accident happened on 96th street and Broadway on the Upper West Side of NYC. Alexander Shear who was famous in New York for his pop culture collection was hit and dragged by a Shafer tour…
New York Car Accident: 9 year old boy dies after being struck by taxi on Upper West Side
A 9 year old boy died in a car accident in NYC on Friday night. Copper Stock was walking with his father, the oncologist Richard Stock, on the Upper West Side in New York City on Friday night when the fatal accident occurred. The young boy and his dad were…
Car Accident NYC: Alarming number of pedestrian deaths for the first 12 days of 2014
7 pedestrians died in car accidents in NYC during the first 12 days of 2014. The Daily News projected that at this rate, the number of pedestrians who would die after being struck by a car in New York City would reach 200 by the end of the year compared…
Drunk Driving: In its “report to the Nation” Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) gives 4 stars out of 5 to the State of New York
Mother Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is one of the most powerful non profit organizations against drunk driving. MADD was created in 1980 by Candice Lightner after her 13 year old daughter was killed by a drunken hit and run driver. Since its inception the number of wrongful deaths related to…
Product Liability – Defective Medical Device: Class I Recall for Puritan Bennett 840 Series Ventilator by Covidien
A class I product recall has been issued by the FDA for the Puritan Bennett 840 Series Ventilator manufactured by Covidien. A software problem may cause the Ventilator to stop functioning, triggering the safety alarm and causing the patient to suddenly be required to breathe on his or her own.…
Car Accident NYC: Pedestrian deaths at a yearly high in November 2013
25 pedestrians died in car accidents in New York last November according to the recently released NYPD car accident statistics. This is the highest number of pedestrian fatalities per month in 2013. In comparison, the number of pedestrian deaths in November 2012 was 8. Among these 25 pedestrians struck by…
New York Personal Injury Attorney Richard Steigman to speak at the New York State Trial Lawyers Association Seminar “LIEN” ON US: GET THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE LAW ON LIENS
Our partner, New York Personal Injury Lawyer Richard Steigman will be a speaker at “LIEN” ON US: GET THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE LAW ON LIENS, a CLE seminar organized by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association on February 6 & 13, 2014, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM at…
Medical Malpractice – Failure to Diagnose Cancer : Causation is a problem for all in missed cancer cases
Our Partner New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Stephen Mackauf was quoted extensively in the January Issue of Physician Risk Management. In the article “Causation: A problem for all in missed cancer cases” Stephen Mackauf explains that missed cancer claims typically revolve around factors such as: – issues of fact, such…
Deadly Fire in New York High Rise: A door that did not self close as it should have allowed a fire to spread and catch up with tenants who were running away down the stairs
Last Sunday, 27 year old Daniel McClung died and his wife was seriously injured in a fire that started in their apartment on the 20th floor of a high rise building in New York. Their two dogs also died in the fire. According to the FDNY,an extension cord with an…