
New York Personal Injury Attorneys Blog


New York Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Case Settled for $1,750,000

A settlement in the amount of $1,750,000 was obtained by our partners New York Medical Malpractice Attorneys Ernie Steigman and Chris Sallay for the Wrongful Death of a 41-year old pregnant woman due to the Medical Malpractice of her Obstetrician and his office staff. In this case, the decedent, who…


Car Accident NYC: Bill de Blasio chooses Queens to launch his “Vison Zero” Agenda to reduce the number of deaths and personal injuries related to traffic Accidents

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Makes Historic “Vision Zero” Announcement from Streetfilms on Vimeo. Yesterday Bill de Blasio chose the site where Noshat Nahian, an 8 year old boy was struck by an unlicensed truck driver resulting in his death, to announce the first implementation steps of “Vision Zero” in…


Car Accident nyc: videos demonstrate why so many pedestrians are injured or killed

In New York too many pedestrians suffer personal injury or die in car accidents. These videos from Brooklyn cinematographer Anna Zivarts demonstrate how dangerous it can be for pedestrians to cross the street. Turning cars have the light before and during the pedestrian walk signal. Most drivers fail to yield…


Train Accident Prevention: Rail Safety Authority to receive $185 million to hire Additional 45 Rail Inspectors

Following the New York Metro North Train accident that killed four and injured more than 70 people, U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Richard Blumenthal announced yesterday that the recently filed Appropriation bill includes $ 185 million for the Federal Railroad Administration to hire additional inspectors, inspect far more track, and…


Medical Malpractice Prevention: The Joint Commmission publishes New and Revised Requirements for Diagnostic Imaging Services

Diagnostic Imaging is a medical area that has been developing extremely fast and with it the number of radiological medical procedures has increased tremendously. However high level of radiation exposure from medical imaging may have possible harmful effect on patients. To prevent medical malpractice, the Joint Commission just approved new…


The FDA recommends discontinuing prescribing and dispensing Acetaminophen Prescription Combination Drug Products that contain more than 325 mg per tablet because they pose a high risk of Personal Injury

Severe personal injury and even death may result from taking too much acetaminophen. Inadvertent acetaminophen overdose may severely damage the liver and can lead to liver failure, liver transplant and death. Acetaminophen is used over the counter as a pain and fever medication and is often an ingredient in cold…


Product Liability: after one child died and another one suffered serious personal injury, Ikea recalls Children’s Wall-Mounted lamp due to strangulation hazard

A 16 month-old child wrongfully died and a 15 month-old child was severely injured after they became entangled in a very popular Ikea’s children’s wall-mounted lamp. There were 2.9 million lamps sold in the US, 1.1 million in Canada and 23 million worldwide. Consumers should stop using the defective lamp…

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