
An overview on the current state of affairs of the desinstitutionalization of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Polack and LernerIn a recent article, Daniel Pollack, a professor at the School of Social Work at Yeshiva University in New York and Jonathan G. Lerner look at the progressive deinstitutionalization of  individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in favor of community-based services. While some are pleased with the progressive closings of developmental centers others believe that some patients are not fit for community based services and would fair better in an institution.

The article looks at the following subjects:

  • Recent deinstitutionalization trends and services available now for  individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Overview of the relevant provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as interpreted by the landmark case of Olmstead v. L.C
  • How the Department of Justice can protect individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in community based services
  • Potential lawsuits related to the closure of developmental centers
  • Review  of recent civil lawsuits in federal court

The complete article can be downloaded here

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