
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz to speak at the NYSBA Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section and Trial Lawyers Section Annual Meeting

Personal%20Injury%20Attorney%20Ben%20Rubinowitz.jpgOur Managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz will be speaking about “Using the Rules of Evidence in Trial Practice” at the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section and Trial Lawyers Section Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association. A reception and dinner will be held Wednesday January 28th at Cipriani Wall Street and the CLE program will be held the following day, Thursday January 29th at the New York Hilton Midtown. Ben will speak during the afternoon program at 3:30. Under New York’s MCLE rule, this program has been approved for 7 MCLE credits consisting of 5 credit hours in Professional Practice and 2 credit hours in Ethic.

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