
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Ben Rubinowitz to speak at New York City Bar Program, Anatomy of a Trial: Tips and Strategies to Win your Case

nycbarlogo.jpgOur managing partner, Ben Rubinowitz will be a speaker at the New York City Bar ProgramAnatomy of a Trial: Tips and Strategy to win your Case on Thursday November 14th from 6:00pm to 9:00 pm . The program is co-chaired by United States Magistrate Judge, SDNY Honorable, Sarah Netburn and New York Trial Attorney Philip R. Schatz, founding partner at Wrobel Schatz & Fox LLP
Taught by leading trial advocates and experienced judges, this event will provide you with the basics of a federal trial, from voir dire to verdict, and share their “how-to” tips and tricks for victory in the courtroom. You’ll learn:

  • How To Create Successful Opening And Closing Arguments
  • Nuts and Bolts – Motions in Limine, Introducing Documents, Dealing with Objections, Evidentiary Issues
  • Witness Examination Techniques, Demonstrative Evidence

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For any questions or to register by phone with a discount, please call 212-382-6663.

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