
New York Personal Injury Lawyer Robert L. Conason Makes List Of Nation’s Best Lawyers

We are proud to announce that Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, has named Robert L. Conason as the “New York Best Lawyers Personal Injury Litigator of the Year” for 2011.

After more than a quarter of a century in publication, Best Lawyers is designating “Lawyers of the Year” in high-profile legal specialties in large legal communities. Only a single lawyer in each specialty in each community is being honored as the “Lawyer of the Year.”

As a premier trial attorney, Mr. Conason constantly emphasizes the dedication and individualized attention each case demands and every injured person deserves. Accordingly, in terms of the volume of cases accepted, he has advanced the firm on the philosophy that “less is more” and assists in the careful selection of only the most serious and substantial personal injury cases. He has said, “My satisfaction comes from knowing that absent a successful recovery of a claim, our clients wouldn’t have the ability to secure appropriate medical care and equipment, economic freedom and the ability to live a dignified life.”

Best Lawyers compiles its lists of outstanding attorneys by conducting exhaustive peer-review surveys in which thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. The current, 17th edition of The Best Lawyers in America (2011) is based on more than 3.1 million detailed evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers.

Steven Naifeh, President of Best Lawyers, says, “We continue to believe – as we have believed for more than 25 years – that recognition by one’s peers is the most meaningful form of praise in the legal profession. We would like to congratulate Robert L. Conason on being selected as the ‘New York Best Lawyers Personal Injury Litigator of the Year’ for 2011.”

Mr. Conason’s extensive experience includes the representation of clients who have been injured in catastrophic accidents involving motor vehicles, airplanes, construction sites, elevators, explosions, medical malpractice and products liability.

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