
New York Metro North Train Accident: according to law enforcement sources the engineer at the controls of the train nodded off before his train skidded off the rails

Human error seems to be the cause of the Metro-North train accident that caused the death of 4 people and injured 63 others. According to sources, William Rockefeller, the train engineer was “in a daze” seconds before the train accident happened. The Bronx District Attorney’s office has launched its own probe to determine if there is evidence enough to file criminal charges. (see New York Daily News).

Steven Harrod, an expert in railroad safety said it “looked bad for the engineer” because a fail-safe design on this type of train would activate the brakes in case of a rupture in their air-pressure system. The evidence also suggests that Rockefeller didn’t downshift the throttle that controls the speed or activate the brakes until the train was right on the curve. (see New York Daily News)

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