
National Transportation Safety Board releases accident report regarding the collision between a school bus and a truck that happened last year in New Jersey

One passenger died, five passengers suffered severe injury and 10 including the bus driver suffered minor injuries in this horrible collision between a school bus and a truck that happened near Chesterfield in New Jersey in February 2012. Last week the National Transportation safety Board released a synopsis from the Safety Board’s report that shows negligence by the school bus driver, the commercial license medical examiner, the truck driver, the truck company and the truck manufacturer.

According to the report the crash was due to the school bus driver failing to see the truck approaching the intersection. The bus driver was suffering from sleep deprivation because of a medical condition and alcohol use. He also was using prescription medication with a sedative effect. The school bus driver lied about his medical history when getting his commercial drivers license and the medical examiner did not thoroughly evaluate the school bus driver for medical conditions that could have disqualified him from becoming a school bus driver.

The truck was overloaded, had a deficient braking system and the truck driver was speeding.

Some children wore their lap belts improperly or not at all.

All the factors above increased the severity of the crash and resulted in this horrible tragedy. The bus was struck by the truck in the back so violently that it made a 180 degree circle and struck a traffic pole.


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