
I was injured in a ski accident in NY, can I get compensation?

skierSki accidents occur every winter season in NY State resulting in injuries and sometimes even deaths. Skiing is a hazardous activity. Most of the time injured skiers are  responsible for their injuries. However in some cases, when the ski accident injury is caused  by the negligence of others such as resort operators or other skiers acting recklessly, an injured skier might be able to obtain compensation for his or her injuries.

In New York where skiing is a major recreational sport and a major industry, there is a “ski law”: Article 18 – (18-101 – 18-108) SAFETY IN SKIING CODE  requires ski facilities to to be proprely maintained and skiers to conduct themselves adequately to minimize the risk of injuries.

To prevent accidents and injuries ski operators have the following duties:

  • To equip all trail maintenance vehicles with warning implements and devices that should be activated when the vehicle is operating near a trail
  • To inform skiers about their responsibilities on visible colorful signs
  • To hold adequate safety training before each season for their employees
  • To mark man-made obstructions on ski slopes
  • To maintain in a central location at the ski area an information board that includes
    • location of the tramways,
    • location of the slope or trail and status of each trail (open or closed)
    • location of emergency communications and medical equipment
    • condition of each slope
    • degree of difficulty of each slope
  • To inspect each open slope at least twice a day
  • To develop a written policy on how to handle reckless conduct of skiers
  • To designate personnel in charge of implementing the above policy
  • To report any fatality or injury resulting in a fatality that occurred in the ski resort
  • To post and maintain ski signage in the resort
  • To post visibly at the entrance of a lift the degree of difficulty of the slopes to which that lift leads to
  • To make sure that lift towers are padded and safe
  • To have personal on site that are appropriately trained during ski activities

Skiers also have multiple duties such as

  • to only ski in authorized areas
  • to ski at the limit of their ability
  • to follow the directions of the ski operator
  • to be familiar with the information posted about the trail
  • not to cross the uphill track of any surface lift
  • not to ski on closed slopes
  • not to leave the scene of an accident resulting in injuries
  • not to ski in a reckless manner
  • not to damage or vandalize the resort

If you or a loved one suffered injury in a ski accident in New York that was caused by a violation of the above duties you might be able to sue the resort or a reckless skier for personal injury.


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