
Hidden camera leads to charges of neglect against 17 employees of New York Nursing Home

8 nurses and 9 nursing assistants neglected to provide the most basic care to a disabled patient of a New York nursing home. A hidden camera placed in the room of a 56 year old resident disabled by a neurological disease shows that employees at the Highpointe on Michigan Health Care Facility in Buffalo failed to check on the resident and to dispense pain medication. They failed to give him liquids and they failed to perform incontinence care. The nurses and aids then falsified the documents to conceal their neglect.

Read more in the press release from Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

The Highpointe on Michigan Health Care facility has a below average overall rating of two stars on the Medicare ranking of nursing homes. It is interesting to notice that staffing is above average with 4 stars but health inspection is much below average with only one star.


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