
Failure to Diagnose Compartment Syndrome can be a Life Threatening Condition

Failure to Diagnose Compartment Syndrome may be medical malpractice.Compartment Syndrome occurs when the pressure within a closed anatomic space (a compartment) becomes so elevated that capillary perfusion is compromised. Any closed anatomic space including the abdominal cavity is at risk of developing a compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency. Surgical decompression by fasciotomy must be performed within eight hours of onset or permanent neuromuscluar damage may result. Failure to properly treat will cause necrosis of the nerves and the muscles in the affected compartment since the increased intracompartmental pressure leads to ischemia and thus loss of blood supply to the nerves and muscles within the compartment. Further complications include Rhabdomyolysis which may lead to renal failure,loss of limb and sometimes death.

The following video from Dr Nabil Ebraheim, Professor and Chair of Orthopedic Surgery at The University of Toledo, explains with great detail:

– What is Compartment Syndrome?
– What are the most frequent causes?
– How to diagnose Acute Compartment Syndrome ?
– Fasciotomy – Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

If you are interested in seeing more high quality medical videos from Professor Ebraheim, you can visit his youtube channel or follow him on Google +

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