
Expert Cross-Examination: Creating Maximum Mileage From an Expert’s Mistakes

In an article published today in the New York Law Journal, Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan write about the critical importance of expert cross-examination in trial advocacy. Their piece, titled “Expert Cross-Examination: Creating Maximum Mileage From an Expert’s Mistakes,” offers a deep dive into the strategies attorneys can employ to effectively challenge the credibility of expert witnesses.

Drawing on the IN RE METRO NORTH trial, presided over by Honorable Paul Marx in Westchester County Supreme Court, Rubinowitz and Torgan explore how meticulous preparation and a thorough understanding of the case can expose flaws in an expert’s analysis. Rubinowitz and Richard Steigman, served as lead trial counsel for all injured passengers, successfully leveraging cross-examination to reveal critical errors in the defense’s expert testimony, which played a significant role in the trial’s outcome.

This article is a valuable resource for attorneys seeking to refine their cross-examination techniques and underscores the impact that even minor discrepancies in expert reports can have on the credibility of testimony and the jury’s perception.

For a comprehensive look at these strategies, read the full article in the New York Law Journal.

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