
Cuomo to sign Lavern’s Law on Tuesday

New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Jeff Bloom with client Lissy McMahonThe NY Medical Malpractice Attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhornm, Steigman & Mackauf are happy for the family of our client Lissy McMahon.  New York Governor Cuomo and the state legislative leaders announced that the Governor will sign Lavern’s Law on Tuesday. With the help of our Medical Malpractice Attorney Jeffrey Bloom, Lissy a mother who was misdiagnosed with cancer after the statute of limitations had passed, relentlessly pushed for the passage of this Law. Lavern’s Law moves the starting date of the statute of limitations to the date of the discovery of the misdiagnosis instead of the date the when the misdiagnosis occurred.  Sadly Lissy passed away before the signing of the law. She left behind a 15 year old son (read more in our previous blog).

Jeffrey is the Co-chair of the Medical Malpractice Committee of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association as well as the Co-Chair of LAWPAC New York, the Trial Lawyers political action committee. In these roles he pushed relentlessly for the passage of the law.

After Cuomo announced that he would sign Lavern’s Law, the family of  Lissy McMahon released the following statement:

Lavern’s Law = NYS Law!! Congrats NY.
We miss Lissy every single sunrise.
This can’t change her outcome, but it honors her life.
Deep thanks to Gov Cuomo & legislators.
Celebrating Lissy’s beauty, courage & poise tonight.
With love, Kara and Jenny, Lis’ sisters, and Jack, her proud son
See below a video of an interview of Lissy McMahon during her fight to pass the law
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