Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Pregnant woman suffers serious injury and loses her baby in NYC car crash caused by reckless speeding driver

A pregnant woman lost her baby and suffered serious injury in a car accident in Staten Island, NYC last Saturday. The accident occurred on Hylan Boulevard. A 26 year old male and his 28 year old pregnant female passenger were driving south on Hylan Boulevard.  As they were  in the…


The importance of Telephone Triage Nursing for Pediatric Head Injury

When a child sustains head injury, parents always worry about the risk of traumatic brain injury and now more than ever seek medical advice through telephone triage call systems. When parents call such systems, they will be connected to a triage nurse who will provide them with recommendations on what…


NYC Personal Injury Attorney Ben Rubinowitz to present “Successful Trial Techniques from Jury Selection through Summation” Live Streaming Seminar

Our Managing partner Ben Rubinowitz and Evan Torgan will be presenting “Successful Trial Techniques from Jury Selection through Summation”, a live streaming Seminar organized by the New York Sate Academy of Trial Lawyers on Wednesday June 10. This two hour seminar will feature some of the best known Trial Lawyers…


Lawnmower injuries to children continue to occur in America

An estimated 9,400 children sustain lawnmower injuries  every year in the US. Injuries are often catastrophic, sometimes deadly. They often require multiple treatments and hospital stays and can have life long consequences. 4 year old boys in rural areas are the most at risk of getting injured in a lawnmower…


NYC Personal Injury Attoney Ben Rubinowitz to co-chair a free NYSTLA Webinar on Openings & Summations

Join our managing partner  Ben Rubinowitz  as he is co-chairing with Judy Livingston and Jeff Korek  this two part webinar: Openings & Summations. They have assembled an All-Star panel of Trial Attorneys who will demonstrate what they do and say in Opening Statements and Closing Arguments to achieve spectacular results. Trial…


E-bikes and Scooters finally legalized in New York City but the law might need some adjustments

Safety and the risk of an increase in bicycle accident injuries have  long been the main worry in legalizing e-bikes and e-scooters in New York. While pedal assists bicycles that travels at an average 20 mph speed were not much of an issue for legislators, throttle-controlled e-bikes that do not…


NYC traffic accident deaths and injuries drop as the city shuts down in March

NYC traffic deaths and injuries declined for all categories of road users except for cyclists between February 2020 and March 2020. As businesses gradually shut down around mid March and the city was officially locked down on March 22nd,  traffic in the city drastically declined and so did the number…


Record number of fall injuries at NYC constructions sites during the first quarter of 2020

1 worker died and 158 others were injured on construction sites in New York City during the first quarter of 2020  compared to respectively 0 and 137 for the same period of 2019.  When looking at a 5 year period, the first trimester of 2018  was the worst for New…


4 people dead and two seriously injured in NYC car accidents related to speed

Speeding cars caused 3 fatal car accidents in New York City this weekend.  A speeding driver lost control of his vehicle in the Bronx and killed himself and his passenger. A thief who stole a car ran a red light in Staten Island and crashed into another car killing one…


What can I do if I was struck by a car as a pedestrian?

Based on the reputation of our Personal Injury Law Firm, superior results have been obtained for a NY pedestrian who was injured in a car accident without the need for protracted litigation. The following case demonstrates the ability of our attorneys to obtain a swift and speedy resolution of a…

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