
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice


New York Medical Malpratice Lawyer Marijo Adimey featured in “Lexis Nexis Case of the Week”

A NYC Medical Malpractice  case in which our partner Marijo Adimey won a 1.27 million verdict was featured by Lexis Nexis as their case of the week. Marijo successfully represented a 64 year old woman from Kings County, Brooklyn, who suffered ruptured spleen during a colonoscopy after the doctor used excessive force. A…


Reducing Hospital Readmissions for Patients with Chronic Diseases

A patient who has to be readmitted to an hospital may have a valid medical malpractice lawsuit against the hospital or the clinicians. When a patient is discharged too early or with not enough support not only may his or her condition worsen but also the health costs related to his…


April 19th MEDICAL MALPRACTICE Meeting to be held by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association

NYSTLA will hold a meeting of the Medical Malpractice Committee on April 19th at 6:00 p.m. and should last until 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at NYSTLA Headquarters at 132 Nassau Street Suite 200. Red Alert! As you probably know by now, federal legislation has been introduced in…


Patient Identification Error, a Prevalent type Medical Malpractice

Patient identification error may be medical malpractice that can result in serious injury and sometimes death of a patient. This type of medical error can happen at any step of a medical process from lab testing to medication administration and even billing. A special report published by the ECRI Institute reviewed 160…


Top 10 risks of medical malpractice in 2017

As healthcare providers implement new technologies and therapies every year, they also create unanticipated risks of medical malpractice. The ECRI Institute just published a report highlighting their main patient safety concerns. Below is a list of the top 10 medical situations where patients have the highest risk to be harmed in…


NYC Medical Malpractice Lawyer Marijo Adimey obtains a $2.5million verdict in an Upper Endoscopy case

Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf is proud to announce that our partner New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Marijo C. Adimey obtained a $2.5 million unanimous verdict in an Upper Endoscopy case in Queens, New York. The plaintiff, Elsa Garzon (57), went to Dr. Steven Batash on June 29, 2015…


New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Ben Rubinowitz to lecture at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Ben Rubinowitz, a partner at our firm, has been asked by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine to deliver a Grand Rounds lecture to its radiologists. This talk will specifically focus on medical malpractice and communication issues that lead to medical negligence. Throughout his 30 years as a trial lawyer,…


Potential medical malpractice and technical risks faced by hospitals in 2017

As healthcare evolves so does medical malpractice. The ECRI Institute just published its 2017 Top 10 Hospital C-suite Watch List. Here are the top 10 issues and technical challenges faced by hospitals in 2017. LIQUID BIOPSIES Liquid biopsies are tests using patients liquids such as patients’ blood, urine or plasma rather…


Is failure to be cybersecure medical malpractice?

Failure to provide adequate cyber security in a healthcare facility can be medical malpractice. Last year, healthcare became the most frequently hacked industry in the US. According to a recent ECRI analysis, 90% of healthcare providers suffered security breaches in the past. With attackers spending an average of 200 days…


In a NYC medical malpractice case, is medical expert testimony always required?

Medical Malpractice cases in New York are often very complex. Because the cases are too complex for a non-doctor to determine if the patients was the victim of a medical malpractice, the testimony of a medical expert is required for almost every medical malpractice case to go to the jury. However…

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