Falls are the number one cause of fatal construction accidents. Every year in America, more than 10,000 hard hats suffer serious personal injury and more than 200 died because they fell while working on a construction site. In 2012 a coalition of government, labor and management representatives launched a yearly…
Articles Posted in Construction Accident
Sheds which are protecting passers-by from construction accidents such as falling debris are invading New York and irritate New Yorkers
Between 2005 and 2015 claims related to people injured in construction accidents related to falling bricks or other debris in New York City have been decreasing by more than half. This decline is mostly related to the city creating stricter and stricter laws to protect New Yorkers from construction accidents. Among the…
New York construction worker critically injured after falling from a ladder into an elevator shaft
A construction worker suffered critical injury in a ladder accident in New York. The accident happened on a construction site located on W. 17th Street near Sixth Ave in the Flatiron district in Manhattan. The hard hat was standing on a ladder, installing sheet rock on a ceiling frame when…
Construction workers suffer serious personal injury after scaffold collapsed in New York
4 construction workers at a construction site in upper Manhattan, NYC were injured in a scaffold accident on Saturday afternoon including two seriously. The construction accident happened while the workers were “repointing” the facade of a six-story building located on Seanman Ave near Beak Street . The four hard hats were standing on a…
How to prevent construction accidents related to Cold Weather?
During the winter, hard hat workers are exposed to potential construction accidents related to health hazards resulting from cold stress or to safety hazards such as slippery surfaces. These accidents can often be prevented. Some products are specifically designed to prevent cold related injuries and illnesses. The Center for Construction…
Fake OSHA construction site inspectors are putting workers at risk of dangerous accidents
Qualified and competent OSHA construction site safety inspectors play a very important role in preventing workers from being injured or dying on construction sites. Unfortunately with the recent boom in the construction business in New York City, these inspectors are very hard to find and their rates have been increasing significantly.…
18 workers died in New York construction accidents during the last federal fiscal year, up from 12 the previous year and 7 the year before that
The recent construction boom in New York has lead to a significant increase of hard hats dying on construction sites. These deaths could have been prevented if safety measures were proprely implemented and workers better protected. Among the workers who died this year, 9 fell because they weren’t proprely secured and…
3 people were injured in New York after construction at a building on Fifth Ave dislodged a glass pane from a window
Three people suffered personal injury in New York after a pane of glass fell from the 17th floor of a building. A 33 year old woman, a 23 year old woman and a 25 year old man were walking on the street near a building on Fifth Ave and East…
How to protect construction workers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)?
Construction workers that are exposed to vapors, gases, dusts and fumes are at increased risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) according to a study that was recently published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. The study looked at 834 cases of older construction workers with COPD and analysed their lifetime work…
Nanomaterials: a new construction hazard
Construction workers exposed to some types of nanomaterials may suffer lung injuries and other respiratory illnesses. For example, recent lab tests on rodents have demonstrated that unprotected respiratory exposure to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can cause lung problems similar to those related to exposure to asbestos. Because nanomaterials are relatively new, their…