
Broken glass spread on West Village bike lane in intentional attempts to injure NYC cyclists

Anti bike lanes activists intentionally put NYC cyclists at risk of  dangerous accidents by spreading broken glass on the  12th and 13th streets bike lanes in the West Village in Manhattan.  This is the second time that a bike lane has been intentionally vandalized for political reasons. In November, thumbtacks were thrown all over the 43rd Avenue bike lanes in Sunnyside, Queens by bike lanes opponents.

Yesterday afternoon, “bring back our parking!” graffiti and other anti-bike lane signs appeared on the 12th and 13th street bike lanes. Broken glass was also spread over the two bike lanes putting cyclists at risk of dangerous accidents.

According to Street Blog, the graffiti reflect the opinion of the anti-bike lane 14th Street Coalition. This group is asking the city to remove the two bike lanes on 12th and 13th street as well as the bus lane on 14th street.  The two bike lanes and the dedicated bus lane were implemented by the city in anticipation of the L subway lane closure. Now that the city announced that the L will not shut down, some anti cyclists neighborhood groups want their their street back to the way it was before.

What to do if you find broken glass or thumbtacks on your bike lane?

If you are commuting with your bike across the city and you drive through broken glass debris or thumbtacks, immediately dismount your bicycle, check your tires to make sure no piece of glass is attached to them and walk until  you don’t see anymore broken glass or thumbtacks.  Broken glass and thumbtacks not only can puncture your tires but can also be very dangerous for young children riding the bike lanes with their family. Last November, after thumbtacks were spread on the Sunnyside bike lanes the NYPD Police Commissioner James O’Neill condemned the attack as “particularly nasty”.

Read more in Streetblog



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