
Ben Rubinowitz and Robert Conason Speak at Cardozo Law School

On Tuesday, November 2, 2010, Cardozo Law School held a seminar on Opening Statements for more than 100 students as a prerequisite to its Intensive Trial Advocacy Program. Featured Speakers at the lecture included Ben Rubinowitz, Robert Conason and Richard Godosky. Prof. Ellen Yaroshefsky introduced each of the three speakers as “some of the very best trial attorneys in the Country.” She went on to say that “each of the speakers is viewed as a ‘Lawyer’s Lawyer’ by practicing members of the Trial Bar. Yaroshefsky said “when a lawyer is in need of help these are the lawyers they turn to.”

Ben Rubinowitz gave a lecture and demonstration on opening statements in a civil trial focusing on appropriate representation of individuals who have been severely injured through the fault of others in car accidents, products liability and medical malpractice cases. His talk was followed by Robert Conason and Richard Godosky who demonstrated comparative methods of conducting Opening Statements.

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