
As car accident fatalities reach new highs in NYC, street safety activists are re-iterating their call for speed cameras to be active 24/7

Speed cameras prevent crashes59% of all deadly crashes in New York City occur during hours when speed cameras are turned off and speeding is the number one factor of car accident fatalities in New York City with 4 out of 5 fatal crashes caused by speed according to a new report recently published by Transportation Alternatives.

Speed cameras in New York City have proven to be among the most effective tools to address speeding and reduce car accidents.  The speed camera program that was implemented in 2014 in New York City is not regulated by  New York City but by New York State in Albany.  Albany not only limits the number of speed cameras but also their location (only in school zones and at few intersections) and their hours of operation (Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm).   Mayor Adams wants the city to have control over the speed camera program and two days ago, the NYC Department of Transportation Commissioner, Ydanis Rodriguez reiterated Adams’ call on lawmakers in Albany to hand over control of the city’s speed camera program (see article in the Gothamist).

Both the NYC DOT and street safety activists are asking for speed camera to be active 24/7.  Previous studies effectuated by the DOT show that as soon as the cameras are turned off, speeding comes back and that 31% of all crash fatalities take place in a school zone area at a time when cameras are turned off.

A bill by by state Sen. Andrew Gounardes that would not only re-authorize the speed camera program that is set to expire on July 1, 2022 but also allow their usage at night and during week-ends is waiting for legislators in Albany to be signed and another bill, also prepared by state Sen. Andrew Gounardes proposes to expand the number of red-light cameras from roughly 150 intersections to 1,325 intersections.

Most New Yorkers, including those driving cars are in favor of the speed cameras in school zones and prefer speed cameras to armed police enforcement.

Read the Transportation Alternatives report and more on StreetBlog

Infographic: courtesy of Transportation Alternatives

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