
After a man was hit and killed in a car accident last month in the vicinity of Westchester Square in the Bronx New York, Community Board 10 approves traffic safety measures proposed by the City Department of Transportation

The car accident that killed Angel Figueroa, a 74-year-old Bronx resident, last month was the latest of many other accidents on Tremont Ave near Westchester Square in the Bronx New York.

At a recent presentation in front of the Community Board 10, the NYC DOT highlighted that between 2007 and 2011 traffic accidents in this area resulted in 149 motor vehicle passengers injuries, 30 pedestrian injuries and 4 bicycle injuries. During the presentation the DOT proposed a list of measures that would make the area safer and prevent future car accidents. This proposal was accepted on Monday by the Community Board 10 and work will begin next spring.


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