
$3,375,000 Settlement in New York Medical Malpractice Case For Wrongful Death

Our Partner, Jeffrey Bloom, recently settled a medical malpractice case in New York Supreme Court, Nassau County for $3,375,000 for the wrongful death of a 46 year old husband and father of two young children in which the patient died on the operating table during the performance of back surgery.

This complex case involved surgical error by the vascular and orthopedic surgeons and anesthesia malpractice. It was alleged that major blood vessels were lacerated during the surgery resulting in acute blood loss, a fact confirmed by the Medical Examiner, that no timely repair was performed by the surgeons and that the anesthesiologist failed to recognize the emergency, perform resuscitation and treat the patient’s acute hemorrhage by administering adequate blood and blood replacement products.

The defendants asserted that the patient, who was unemployed and on disability, had serious cardiac conditions which significantly decreased his life expectancy.

The case settled after over three weeks of trial just before summations.

As a result of the settlement, the patient’s widow will have lifetime financial stability and her two children each will receive substantial funds including for their future college education.

Jeff commented “Despite the complexity and difficulty of this case I was motivated by the fact that the family depended upon me for their future. My goal, which I am pleased I was able to achieve, was to insure that they were financially provided for.”

The attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf have years of experience representing patients who have been injured or have died as the result of medical malpractice.

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