
120 speed cameras in NYC school zone shut down yesterday

A speed camera program that was installed in 2014  in New York City school zones to reduce pedestrian accidents was shut down. Cameras were turned off yesterday in 120 school zones around the city and by the end of August 20 other school zones will see their speed cameras turned off as well.

Despite heavy campaigning by New York City mayor Bill de Blasio and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo not only to keep the school camera program alive but also to add additional cameras in the city, lawmakers in Albany failed to call a vote to renew the program.

Since they have been installed in 2014, the speed cameras have clearly demonstrated that they protect pedestrians and especially children from being injured or dying in car accidents in New York City school zones. Statistics indicate that in school areas where cameras were installed speeding decreased by 63% and fatalities by 55% between 2014 and 2016.

Families, street safety advocates as well as Mayor de Blasio have been rallying to protest against the shut down but the Senate Republicans in Albany let the program die and instead pushed for other measures such as flashing lights and speed bumps in school zones.

According to the Department of Transportation, data will still be collected by cameras to get statistics on how many drivers are speeding in school zones but the camera will not record any license plates or send out tickets.

Read more in the New York Times

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